An unabashed curmudgeon in mood and mode, unabashedly biased toward Creationism, thanks to scientific evidence as well as faith, your creative Creationist Curmudgeon has been ridiculed for waging his personal war against Evo not by peer-reviewed polemics, or even Scripture, but by ridicule.  Aw shucks... such (blush blush) flattery.   After all, ridicule was created by proto-Evoeans in the Enlightenment.  And where would be without it?  Anyway, the evolutionary process  has slimmed the format from Voltairean novels to 1-liners, herein dubbed Cosmic Dust.

• I'm a curmudgeon.  What sort of creature is that?  A curmudgeon is a humorless intellectual considering what he deals with, dour even, who sees humor in what  others insist is serious.

I think it curiously counterproductive, possibly fatal to our civilization, that politicians are hellbent on draining the swamp when, according to Darwin, the swamp is where life was born.

• Nowadays we're hearing from the best authorities that our government is irreducibly complex, and that pruning off even one bureau much less one bureaucrat, as that gormless new president is determined to do, will throw the whole government, our society, or culture, you and me, into chaos.  Well, maybe.  But isn't the flagellum at least equally irreducibly complex, so complex that it's components had to come into existence simultaneously and not over eons?  No?  Well, meanwhile back to the EPA.

• Bumper Sticker: Honk if your horn evolved.

• To believe Evolution is to accept billions of years. To believe in God is to accept endless power and authority. Why is the former easier to believe than the latter?

• And God created planets and galaxies and their orbits. Man created spin.

• Evolution evolves. Creation creates. So how could Evolution evolve the creative spirit?

• The whole premise of Evolutionism is probability; of Creation, design. Which is most probable?

• Why is it that many people find it easier to believe in aliens visiting Roswell than Christ's First or Second Advent?

• Why is it Evolutionists are so eager to find intelligent life in outer space but not intelligent design?

• It's ironic that both The Church and Evolution are founded on their own rocks

• It's odd how people are willing to second guess God but never evolution.  Even in court.  Even in church.

• Myth, theory, philosophy, court decision -- is that all there is?

• So which is coolest?  Myth on NatGeo Wild or in Genesis 1?

• Everybody knows gambling can be your undoing. Evolution says that's how you got here.

• Evolution makes us kin to all animals. Creation makes us kin with God. Choose your relatives carefully.

• In evolution, only the fittest survive. You're on your own. With God, the righteous, and you have help.

• Evolution is warped science fiction.  Time warped.

• God merely spoke and creation happened. Now Evolutionists merely say so, and presto, Evolution happened.

• God merely spoke and creation happened.  Now judge Jones says so and -- all rise! -- Evo happened.

• Bumper Sticker: Evolutionists meet your maker - play the Lotto

• If you believe in Evolution I’ve got an old tar pit I’ll sell you cheap.

• OK, so these are cheerfully ad hominem 1-liners, hardly doctoral dissertations.  I’ve let the subject determine the style.

• Voltaire proposed, with tongue in cheek, that if God didn’t exist it would be necessary to invent him.  Darwin had a better idea.

• To a world that almost since the beginning had decided against God but couldn’t quite dispose of Him, making do with only philosophy or Baal or some other stand-in, Evo was the yearned-for gospel.  Hallelujah! God is dead!  At last the gospel and NatGeo cometh! And shall be preached to the ends of the earth and then shall the End come.

• A working definition – I mean, as it works in the seminar -- science can be defined as that human mental activity whereby description is confused with explanation, effect with cause.  Nobody ever said Evolution wasn’t a science.

• Is the real reason why an Evolutionist doesn’t want to exhaust the planet’s fossil fuel supply because it would burn up the evidence?

• I understand pantheists have jointed the anti-fossil-fuel movement because they believe the bones still have souls.  Don't they know that the soul gleeful flees the body, especially bones, at death?

• If Creation is myth, Evolution is theory.  So?

• If everything that ever existed just happened to evolve that way, why isn’t it as probable for those dinosaur bones to have evolved right where they are, embedded in that rock, as for the dinosaur itself to have evolved elsewhere and then settled into a rock and evolved on into bones?

• I have an Evoean friend who is still snickering at his church school teacher for thinking that God gave us dinosaur bones to test our faith in Genesis. No, God really gave us dinosaur bones to see just what other damn fool explanation for them we would dig up.

• Evo ought to come packaged with a warning label: "The surgeon general has determined Evo may cause whiplash injury to neck and higher regions." At the beginning, Evo depended on  evidence.  Now, on the court; evidence is superfluous if not frivolous.  Ouch, my neck!

• Sounding straight-faced, the NatGeo narrator intones, "How that animal does that we have no idea.  But we do know it crawled out of the sea 398,000,000 years ago."

• 0 and | are the bits by which computers function, and thus are the most important things humanity has ever invented.  Wrong. The zero, 0, zilch, nothing, nada, is the most crucial thing in the cosmos, even more crucial than cosmic dust.  With zeros strung on out to infinity, anything is possible and awesome, even Evo, and not just Evo -- achievement of victory against cancer, racism, even poverty; the reaches of the very universe; even every change we believe in, even our national debt.  What a sight!  A universe of zeros!  Zero -- that's where we came from, and where we're going.

• Christians have been rightly criticized for claiming to be holier than thou.  But nowadays scientists run around claiming their science is better than thine, making Christians sound humble in comparison.

• Deep agenda-driven science is really in trouble now, now that Global Warming Science has been exposed as more agenda-driven than computer-model-driven.   It's increasingly obvious -- data is showing -- that Evo-driven Science  isn't doing science's reputation much good either.

• Amazing indeed is how in response to the demands of the environment Evo starts one way and ends another.  Thus a fish starts out with fins and, when taking the notion to get out onto land, intelligence in operation, sprouts legs, or its eyes atrophy if it finds itself in a cave.   Takes 30 million years.  But even more awesome is how Evoans started out with their left (science) brain predominent but in just a generation or so it atrophied and the right (fanciful) brain has taken over.

• Panspermia -- the agnostic's pantheism.

• Panspermia -- the poor man's pantheisim.

• Panspermia -- the Evoean's sperm bank.

• I'm so old I remember when the gotcha question presidential candidates were asked was whether they accepted capitalism and eliminating taxes on dividends.  Now it's, how do you feel about evolution and global warming?  Gotcha!

*  You're uncomfortable with "intelligent design"?  How about "smart design"?  "Intelligent" sounds too, well, godlike, even if possessed by a computer?  But when a computer has it it's "artificial" intelligence, bestowed by man, not god.  Smart sounds of the machine or street.

• How about "artificial intelligent design," then?

• Why not "artificial smarts"?   Would  "artificial smart design" be OK as a cosmic theory?

•  Just when does "smart" extend into "intelligent"?  How smart does smart have to be before it's ... intelligent?

• I've hard smart people express fear of artificially intelligent computers taking over and turning on, even terminating, the whole human race, like HAL (Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer) in Space Odyssey.  But beware of the artificially smart iPhone too.  Apple just might cross the line from smart to intelligent.

• You won't allow intelligence to be involved with design because that eventually puts God into it.  But how about when man evolves into posthumanity with godlike powers, even, er, godlike intelligence?  Will posthumanity be OK with his own post-intelligent design?

• Did you know that Creationism, if not Intelligent Design per se, can more easily explain why dinosaurs went extinct than Evolution can?

• God offers eternity; Evolution, eons.

• I’m much happier that my Creator, not Evolution, decided that the ameba, eagle, whale, and cheetah would be able to do things I can’t.

• There’s something supremely disturbing about an idea that treats God and dinosaurs alike — extinct.

• But actually Evo is kinder to the dinosaur than to God.  At least Evo says the dinosaur existed.  God never did.

• And God made dinosaurs extinct, and saw that it was good.  Why?  that's another matter.

• Creation is hierarchy, unquestionably: God supreme, man a little lower.   Evolution is no less hierarchical but with the order reversed: man supreme (so far; he may give place to the cockroach),  and God out of play.

• We would like to think that if we look hard enough, something can be found with which all parties agree.  Evoeans and Creationists agree, no quibbling: dinosaurs are extinct.  Can we build on that?

• Only from its bones embedded in rock do we know the dinosaur existed.  It is not only from those bones, but also those rocks, even from the existence of those humans so doggedly digging, chipping, dusting, and re-assembling the bone chips and deconstructing God, that we conclude God exists.

• Evolution decrees that the shortest distance between two points is eighty billion years.

• Evolution — the cosmic cop-out.

• Evolutionary Cartesian: I think, therefore God doesn’t.

• Evolutionists allow man to create a computer which creates another computer, but not God to create man to create a computer.

• A scientific theory can be judged by how much it explains.  Creation explains a lot more than Evolution.  To start with, Creation explains God.

• God created and saw that it was good.  Evolution knows it is never going to get anything quite right.

• Bumper sticker: Evolution didn’t evolve, it was created, by Darwin.

• Isn’t it ironic that the mind that exalts reason above all else in logic rejects it in nature?

• Cartoon caption: Little kid excusing his messy room to his professor-of-paleontology father: But dad, it just happened this way.

• Either ethics evolved by chance, with built-in wiggle room, or was bestowed by divine wisdom, and carries full certainty.  We want wiggle!

• Carbon dating has recently been questioned but I defend it — it’s at least as dependable as blind dating.

• Being materialists to the core, Evoeans say the whole cosmos, including you, especially you, is naught but particles whirling.  No design, just particles swooshing like crazy.  Those aren’t thoughts you’re thinking, just particles clanging.  Doesn’t make a particle of sense.

• A shivering gelatinous thing sprouting legs crawled out of the swamp and became a theory.  A trillion years later,  cologned, accoutred, BlackBerryed, high-priced, it swaggered into court and became law.

• Creation is God’s photo ID card.  He has always presented it to us to establish His identity and authority.  Now photo ID cards are against the law.  Voters may be allowed without their ID cards, but not God.

• The Council of Nicaea declared the Trinity, wherein the Three are One.  And now the Dover Decision declares the Twosome, wherein Evo is science and science is Evo, indivisibly, before which there shall be no other god.

• That Evo meets the major criteria for being a religion first and science second, is obvious and frequently recognized and commonly blogged,   But where is the discussion about Evo being fundamentally poetry, simultaneously the blackest kind that  glories in despair, and the airiest kind of doggerel?

• What gives?  This is supposed to be the consummately informed era, the information era, the consummately scientific era charged with finally stripping away all nonsense and myth, notably Creation.  But actually it seems the opposite, the age of consummate superstition, fear free floating and directed (against even gluten), superstition that would make the Dark Ages look like Enlightenment, magic incantations invoking the healing power of cannibis that would shame cannibals.  Consummating in ... Evo.

• Thanks to science our society has discovered that it  has evolved over eons of history to the point of not needing myths like God and Salvation.  Meanwhile, as blind as the  cavefish Astyanas mexicanus, society has actually devolved at an ever accelerating rate to the superstitious belief that power resides within oneself, also the State and global government, and in special effects and Darwinian botox.

• I'm so old I remember when science was hypothesis-driven.  Now, agenda-driven.

• Paul (Romans 1:20) asserts that "all that can be known of God" is apparent through the things He created.  But rather than seeing God through the crawling and creeping things, men were seeing those crawling creeping things per se as gods, and making idols of them and bowing before them.   Mercifully, that's history.  But now Darwin has us seeing Evo through crawling creeping things, and Evo as god, and making an idol of Evo and bowing before it.  Mankind still seems hellbent on making false gods of what was created and ignoring the Creator.   If eons are crucial to Evo, so are prepositions.  Prepositions are even more crucial than propositions.

• Just when I thought I knew all I ever wanted to know about atheism, figuring that if an atheist didn't believe in a god he was some sort of materialist and didn't believe in any preternatural entity, I learn I was wrong.  Atheism is a burgeoning species and, like other modern social types, is bursting out of the closet and making utubes by the ton and vehemently evangelizing. It's turning out the less you believe in god the more spiritual you are.  go figure.

•  An atheist doesn't believe in a God.  So if you don't believe in Satan are you an adiabolist?  Most Christians are devoted adiabolists.  Nowadays it seems you've got to make the decision between one or the other. Me, I go all out for diversity: I believe in BOTH, but, while I'm at it, angels but not aliens.

• Like for Evo, the push to make disbelief illegal is proving more sustainable than Global Warming itself.

• Man (e.g. James, Nietzsche, nowadays everybody) sees man as unfinished heading relentlessly, by the process of Evolution, to perfection.  God sees man as at the beginning good and now fallen, heading for destruction, unless redeemed.  Good grief!  Black will turn white, or v.v. if that's more politically correct, before man and God can be reconciled.  There can be no dialog.

• In the beginning there was humanism which has evolved into posthumanism,  and modernism into postmodernism, reflecting the race's progress from intrinsic (there is not extrinsic) feebleness and uncertainty to superhumanity and certainty -- certainty that there is no such thing as certainty.    Thus humanity, thanks only to itself, shall meet its somehow glorious destiny, which, to me, sounds pretty anticlimactic.   So the race wakes up the next morning sighs that all there is?

• But "posthumanity" doesn't quite convey the beyond-present-comprehension superiority that the race is evolving into.  "Transhumanity" says it better, some professors assert.  It would, all things being equal, but do we really want to go there now that we've ventured into "transgenderity" which is basically a dead end and pretty mixed up.  Better stick with "posthumanity."  That term is a lot less specific and murkier than "trans-", and thus much more alluring and enticing, which is what all this is about anyway, isn't it?

•  Saturday, January 16, 2016:  The thing that makes Evo work is survival of the fittest.    And the thing that makes THAT work is that females from bugs to bower birds don't tune in on what is most attractive in a male, like tattoos nowadays, as human females do, but, according to all the nature movies on Nat Geo wild, their genes.  Somehow they can see genes.  Well, so much for the homo sapiens.

•  The latest never-before beheld creature to appear upon the planet is the Transgender.  It's been highly promoted by social scientists, but  I'm waiting for a declamation from the scientific community about how it fits into Darwinian Evolution.  Mutation?  Well sort of.  Natural Selection? Closer, but that it's "natural" has yet to be claimed, and to do so would take a lot of chutzpah, even more than normally required of Evo.  In the meantime, a tentative hypothesis that seems pretty likely: it also crawled out of the swamp.

• If Evo is proud of the questions it raises, I've got a bunch.  Why is it that Evoeans simply cannot abide the fact of a Creator God but joy at the revelation, by authoritative sources, of alien life on Mars?      

• I'm deaf and don't hear right.  The other day I heard somebody say he thought Charles Dickens was the most creative genius of the 19th century.  Right!  But I heard wrong.  He meant, of course, sigh, Charles Darwin.



COSMIC DUST The Dustup Updated March 2018


Evolution science fills its gaps  -- great abysmal chasms -- with shoulder shrugs.  If we wait long enough -- what's a trillion or so eons? -- somebody will think of something.  That's called faith.  Well now!  Whudaja know!  That's what Creationists fill their gaps with.

• New bumper sticker seen at a church-based science-centered college, "Evolution, the Change You Can Believe In!"

• And now they're actually saying the consummate proof of evolution is that it's falsifiable. But Evo has always said Creationism was as false as it gets.  So that proves Creationism?

 • Somehow I’m just more at home with the idea of God creating everything from nothing than nothing creating everything from nothing.

• The truly enlightened refuse to eat any food, from ginseng to escargot, that was genetically engineered.  But that’s all Evolution is, genetic engineering, eon after eon.  Label Evo toxic.

• Ye can serve God and Mammon sooner than God and Darwin.  Happy Darwin Day.

• Rather too sentimental, downright Hallmarkean, the way Darwinites humanize animals nowadays.  I think I prefer Disney's way.

• True Christian charity is never judgmental.  True science shouldn’t be either, but nowadays, especially in court, it seems harder for scientists than Christians.

• It seems to me that of all the goings on of recent time, the search for life in other planets is the most revealing of the vastly different orientations of the searchers.  Moviemakers suppose life in other planets is monstrous and threatening.  Scientists are looking merely for the most primitive one-cell or simpler forms.  Christians already know the inhabitants of other planets are marvelously superior and unfallen.

• There simply must be life on other planets.  All parties -- very strange bedfellows -- agree: scientists, philosophers, bloggers, sociologists, columnists, ministers.  Hollywood knows alien life is monstrous and threatening, armed with zappers that only Special Effects could create, and of an advanced civilization that can only laugh at our SETI.  Astrophysicists are settling for microtubules or, a real stretch, one-celled animals.

• Current Evoeans have life on earth starting out with  methane and a thunderclap.  Genesis 1 needs only the thunderclap.

• Genesis 1 says life started with God.  Evo says life  started in a swamp.   Take your choice: God or a swamp.

• November 2013, will be remembered as the year it was proclaimed that "you didn't make that, the government did."  "Evo Nat Geo" has always proclaimed God didn't make life, Nature did, in its wisdom.

• Thanks to incredible new photographic technology, the BBC and Nat Geo are catching nature doing unbelievable, impossible things.  Dear old Richard Attenborough (he's as old as I am) and the Nat Geo Wild Nature narrators are forced to the irreducible conclusion that something intelligent must be involved.  But not God's intelligence or even that of an Intelligent Designer.  Inadmissible, illegal idea.  So poor Richard, with a straight face, starts talking about Evo's or Nature's intelligence.  God's power and intelligence are unsearchable enough, but Evo-Nature's, which is famously chaotic and mindless?   But thanks for the fantastic photography!

• Creationism is more prosecutably illegal than aliens, certainly less welcome on campus,

• In his book, Lives of A Cell, (page 49), L. Thomas says death "is, after all, the most ancient and fundamental of biological functions."   Hallmark doesn't seem to have a consolation card with that lovely message. Shame Christ didn't know that, He wouldn't have had to die on the cross to redeem us from death.

• A cherished Greek philosophical tool, Teleology says  there must be a purpose (or "end") to a process.  My research chief loved to talk about the teleological wisdom of the renal collecting duct.  Sounds like Intelligent Design to me.

• Pagans have had to admire at least the tenacity, resolution, and courage of Christians refusing to recant even while being put to death.  Now, I have to admire, or at least shake my head at, the tenacity, resolution and bullheadedness of Evoeans even as their "theory" is being decimated.

• The more we know about the skill of leaf cutting ants, and the engineering of a flagellum, and the crucial domain of what just a little while ago was called "junk DNA," and how gene expression is controlled by a cascade of controlling devices, and the universe, the more I cannot but apprehend the design of all this as intelligent -- and call into question the intelligence of those who laugh it off as stupidly random.

• Feb. 24, 2014.  Ever so often Charles Krauthammer takes time out to write a column about how silly Intelligent Design is.  Secretary of State Kerry recently proclaimed Global Warming the greatest threat to world peace since gunpowder.  Charles Krauthammer said in a column he wasn't so sure.  Whereupon in the name of science, offended in the name of science, outraged in the name of science, Global Warming activists demanded he be squelched, something the most myth-besotted, mean-spirited, closed-minded, flat-earth, silliest Intelligent Designist wouldn't dream of.  Not me anyway.

• I'm so old I remember eons ago when politicians flip-flopped and it was despicable.  Now they "evolve" and it's the most natural thing in the world.  Evolution covers a multitude of sins.

• The more science discovers, the more it knows things aren't miracles, they're just built into the system -- which itself becomes all the more miraculous.

• For every miracle science discovers is merely part of the system, a thousand other miracles are confronted.  If eons happen, miracles are routine, part of the divine system.

• 2015: They're insisting that creationism just is not science but religion, and church and state must be separated.  Then when they demand of Scott Walker whether he believes creationism, and he honors that very separation of church and state by saying that that isn't a matter politicians should discuss, they berate him.   And that's the way it evolves.

• Now then, pantheism is God is in everything.  PanENtheism is everything is in God.  There IS a difference.  But what difference does it make?

• The more Evo is put in question or disproven -- item by item, stratum by stratum, fossil by fossil, gene and molecule by gene and molecule -- the firmer a David Attenborough sounds, the more tenuous the tenure of ID professors, and the stronger the court enforcement.    Ah, the wisdom, as Attenborough likes to say, of Evo!

• Near as I can figure, UFO must be a sort of UIFID (Unidentified Flying Intelligent Design).   Intelligent Design talks about intelligence rather than mere randomness as involved in the construction of this world and life on it, but, stopping short, oh very far short, cringing at the thought of God per se, settles for unidentified Platonic sorts of daemons or otherwise unidentified entities.  I accept that there are beings out there, but not the kind Holywod or uTube shows, certainly not as weird.  And I'm pretty sure they don't use saucers for getting around the cosmos.  Well, wings are popular, as per thousands of years of paintings and depictions.   But the several recorded actual encounters involve anthropologically recognizable males in civvies, not wings.  The most notable such once had a crown of thorns jammed onto His scalp.

• What part of Imperative heuristic hermeneutical paradigm don't you understand?

• The devil may be in the details but God is in the electrons.

•  Cliff Goldstein, whom I revere, is writing a book about  the epiphany experienced by our church’s scholars and emergent thought leaders, to wit, that because God has spoken not only through Moses but also Darwin, Darwin is to be welcomed into our ever bigger and bigger tent as honored guest professor and consultant.   To this scholarly tropism, there is, I think, a strong déjà vu.  Shades of the 3rd and 4th century enlightenment of the newly scholarly leadership of the apostolic church came to recognize that Christ, though He had brought and taught salvation, had left the most needful truths to Plato et al.

• I say Darwin is due more pity than adulation.

• It's the easiest thing in the world to suspend disbelief at the movies, which are the most unreal things in the world.  But we just can't with God, the essence of and consummate reality of the cosmos!

• Didn't intelligent design design artificial intelligence?

• Evo marches on.  It has now, in its wisdom as Attenborough likes to say, created transgenders.  Would Darwin approve?

• Despite Plato's invention of th soul, wouldn't posthumous posthumanity be an oxymoron?   But alliteration redeems it.

• The Creator made embryogenesis a masterpiece of choreographed chaotic cell proliferation and degeneration and replacement by other cells masses.  And the Creator must chuckle that to Evoeans it's more hopelessly random than what Darwin created.


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